Sunday, November 15, 2009

Commercial Advertising Projects

In early November, my students wrapped up their commercial advertising projects. Several of the groups REALLY got the concept, and created an actual advertisement for their products. Overall, it was a success, but there are some things I would do differently. I've implemented some of the changes for the 2nd quarter projects (now almost over... the fall has been chock-full of emergencies and bad news), which I'll detail in another post.
In the meantime, here are some of the best of the group videos:

The Smart Guitar: A guitar that comes preloaded with songs, all you have to do is pretend to strum!

Flavored Air in A Can: The solution for decidedly smoggy, polluted city air!

Flava Flava: Custom sodas for your enjoyment. The soda version of Coldstone Creamery!

The Suit: Clothing that grows with you!

Create your own video slideshow at


jrilley1 said...

Hello, I also teach marketing and your post gave me a great idea for an assignment. I was wondering if you have the directions that you gave your students?

MS said...

@Jrilley: My apologies. I have comment moderation on the blog, but Blogger didn't notify me of your comment.
I don't teach Marketing. I teach a class referred to as Basic Skills; its a combination supervised study hall and skill development for students with special needs. I find that one of the skills we often need to work on is teamwork, technology, and project management (deadlines, communication, etc). So I frequently develop projects of this nature for the students to create.
You can find the original directions given to the students here:
The project initially was to examine ads carefully and try to figure out what was being sold, and the emotions it invoked. I have quite a few students with autism, so we practiced a lot of identifying social skills.

Unknown said...

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