I don't often post blog entries about gadgets in my life that haven't been used in my classroom (even the posts from last year's IRLQuests for 3DGameLab had to do with school since 3DGL is something I really want to use in my classroom), but I kind of feel like I should...
I will also certainly post an update if my opinion changes or the company fixes the item without my having to the refund route.
My Misfit Shine arrived today, and its awful. I'm really quite disappointed because I've been researching
fitness trackers for more than a year at this point, waiting and hoping
for one that would work with swimming since that is my favorite form of
exercise, although I also enjoy using WiiFit and work with a personal
trainer. I had just decided to purchase the FitbitFlex, especially when
I saw it at Target, and on sale, when a relative told me about the
Misfit Shine. He's definitely an early adopter of gadgets, and
researches as well, although looks for different things than I do. I can’t get it to sync with the app
or log anything at all. The company says that Android users or iPhone 4
and under users can still have the device track, even if it can’t log,
but mine does neither.
I posted a comment on the Facebook site, and was told to email. The
company then posted & tweeted all of the positive comments made
within 2 hours before and after mine, but have yet to respond to mine.
Browsing the Twitter feed and Facebook page indicates answering email
is a difficult concept for them.
I was a little bit sorry 9 days ago when I ordered the item, discovered
that my money from PayPal was gone and I hadn’t received a receipt; the
discomfort increased when a visit to the local Apple store showed the
Shine available there for the same price. If I used credit cards for
optional/recreational purchases, I would have bought it then—but I do
not, so I came home and posted a comment on their Facebook page. I was
told it would soon be shipped, but received no response to my request
for a receipt. This morning, I went to get my mail, and it was in my
mailbox. Again, no receipt or packing slip in the envelope, but I did
get an email with a tracking number; the email was dated for this
morning. USPS says the package was mailed two days ago. But, hey–I had
it in hand! Exciting! Until it wasn’t, because I received an error
saying my Shine was linked to another account, and that user would have
to unlink it. Another quick browse of the Twitter stream and Facebook
page indicates this is a VERY VERY VERY VERY common error. Update: In looking on the Facebook page again, another person has commented on my post that they also had the same problem.
If I don’t receive a response in the next 48 hours (since the company
clearly responds on weekends), I’ll be returning the device and
requesting a refund, so I can buy a tracker that works, even if it doesn't allow me to use it while swimming.
6 hours ago
I am having the same problem. Have you received a response? I do not wish to return it, but I may have to.
No. I filed a claim request with PayPal, who started investigating. Misfit contacted me within 2 hours of filing the request on Monday, & sent 2 tech support emails. One asked for the serial number, and the other told me they did it show an order for me. I supplied the serial number, and or the next email, sent a copy of my PayPal receipt (remember, that is the only one I have), along with the tracking information they sent me from the USPS. I freely admit that, by this point, I was testy, and borderline rude (no curse words or anything, just REALLY, like they really expect me to believe this). I was told that they had informed PayPal the issue was resolved. I called PayPal again, and the company had told them I had received a replacement device since they determined that mine did not work. As of this moment, I have not received any indication they are sending me a replacement because after I sent the PayPal and USPS receipts, I never heard from them.
I cannot return the device, because there is no address listed for the company anywhere. I'm pretty good a researching on the Internet, but I totally fail to find an address or phone number for this company. PayPal has one, and I saw an email address for the person they spoke with. I just want a working device... At this point, I'm probably just going to go over to Target and get a Jawbone or FitBit if I get a refund.
Did this ever get resolved?
No. This was not resolved. PayPal refunded my money because after I heard from the company upon filing the case, I never heard anything again except to be told that they could not find an order in my name.
PayPal stated that the company told them that they had resolved the issue, but they were unable to provide proof. I sent it back and bought a similar device from another company... which works.
I have the same problem today!!
AHHH, any news? Maybe ive got youre device.....
Any tip??
You may very well have my device. It would not surprise me in the least if the company was recycling them. I returned the device, and PayPal gave me my money back. I have a Jawbone Up, which while I cannot swim with it, works fairly well. It is a bit low in counting steps, but I can deal with that.
It wouldn't be a recycled device, since unlinking is really easy once you've got the device. Send support@misfitwearables.com an email stating the problem and including the device. I'd. This is a short code written around a QR code. Should start with shoaz, mine did. It's in two places. Bottom of the box and inside The shine under the battery. Most of these errors seem to be caused by people buying it, syncing it and then selling it on eBay!
Sorry, Patrick. If that were the case, there wouldn't be so many people with issues. Plain and simple, this is a problem with the device. You can't email support, they do not answer your emails until you get a 3rd party (PayPal in my case) involved. If you email or post a negative on their Facebook page, they flat ignore you. If you aren't persistent when you get the 3rd party involved, the company tells them that they replaced your device and the problem was taken care of.
My device came DIRECTLY from Misfit. Misfit LIED about the situation multiple times in multiple ways: stated they couldn't find my order, stated they had replaced the device, stated I never answered their emails.
I didn't buy my device on eBay, it wasn't recycled. It was purchased directly from Misfit.
Hm. Interesting. When I click on your profile, it appears you work for the company.
Hmm. It doesn't when I do, never filled in a g+ account. I did some infographics for them a while back. Hence getting a shine. currently at uni and working on my boardgame company - game design graphically. Found your blog looking at education gamification. Sorry if I touched a nerve.
It most definitely does show that you work for MisFit. I have a screen capture of it, but I would have to make a new post to the blog in order to post it. In any case, its not a nerve: I just expect people to be honest. It wasn't difficult to see that you work(ed) for Misfit. You aren't the only person from Misfit that I've seen doing this; there is another gentleman who followed me around for awhile doing the same thing. I have no problem with happy customers sharing positives. I completely accept that most of the time, customers only post when they are angry. You may remember the first line of this post which says I do not typically post negatives on this blog. It is also atypical for me to go to my payment company and ask for their involvement. But, as I said, Misfit wasn't honest, and discovering that you work for the company just adds to the feeling that the company is a bit underhanded in their promotion of their device. You even submitted an Amazon UK review for the item as a 'customer'. While you may not work for them any longer, you received the device because you worked for them. This is the equivalent of my posting a favorable review for software I was given to use in my classroom after working for a company (and yes, this has happened twice; one time I was profiled, the other I did extensive copywriting and editing of a set of activities). Bloggers who receive items because of their blogs are required to post on the blog that they received the item for the purpose of writing a review. So... Not a nerve, just be honest.
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