Wednesday, August 22, 2007

We're baaack...

Today was the first day of school in my county for teachers. Anybody that knows me can probably vouch for several things: I absolutely cannot sit in a meeting and do nothing. At the very least, I have to take notes. And, that's what this entry really is: a description of my "notes" from our first day of in-service. These particular notes are mostly about how I saw the people who were providing our in-services using Web 2.0... and maybe not even knowing that they were using it!
In the morning, we watched the famous (infamous?) video, Shift Happens. I've seen it before: I think I first saw it during a graduate class last spring, and I know I saw it in another graduate class after that. I enjoyed seeing it again, but also seeing the reactions of other teachers that were in the auditorium with me.
For those that might not have seen it:

In the afternoon, we viewed the Ordinary People video. As with Shift Happens, I'd seen it before, and enjoyed seeing it again. This time, I remembered to write down the name of the song because its one of those songs you like to use for slide shows of your students doing cool stuff. I like the version we watched today better than the one I'm going to post here, but I cannot seem to find that version...

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